ketika cinta bertasbiih

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Maal Hijrah and my new year RESOLUTION.....

 Maal Hijrah, which is also called Awal Muharram, is an important day for muslim. It falls on the first day of Muharram on every Muslim calender year, which is the first day on muslim calender.This year is 1432H.....

          The meaning of Maal Hijrah in English is migration. On this day, Muslim remember Nabi Muhammad S.A.W migrate from Mekkah to Madinah on the year 622 A.D. Besides, Maal Hijrah also mean changes from bad to good side and can be said as starting point and evaluate inner-self on self achievement.....

          Awal means begining in English and Muharram is the first month of muslim calender. In another words, this is the first day in Muslim calendar. Therefore, this is also the new year for all Muslim.....

          This day has became an important religious day for all muslim. All the mosque will have solat sunat......

              This only picture you cannot do like this when you perform the solat okayy....

                 At mosque Malinja also held the solat sunat hajat and recite the yassin,I was attended that ceremony.Many students attended this ceremony and it realise us that Islam so easy to be practice in our life.....

                 The ceremony start at 7 p.m.Firstly,all of us perform solat maghrib after we finish perform solat maghrib,we recite the yassin it takes about 15 minutes or more...we recite yassin is for to calm our heart and to ask allah for granted our wish..insyaallah....

                After we all of us finish recite the yassin we perform solat sunat hajat and proceed to perform solat isyak....At the end of ceremony Ustaz Hadi that leading the prayer gived sermon about maal hijrah and new year resolution.....

                   Talk about new year resolution I think most all of you have the new year resolution right?so am you want to know what my new year resolution...jeng...jeng...jeng....hahahahah...surprise...ok2 new year resolution is to get better pointer than last pointer for last sem is bad because I'm not serius in study and I'm always play around....huhuhuhu.....but for this sem I will struggle for every subject that I sit for exam that my promise...yeyyyy...

                 I will achive this succes and get 3 pointer above

Monday, December 6, 2010

Di mana cantiknya seorang wanita...

Mungkin pada sepasang matanya yang hening yang selalu menjeling tajam atau yang kadang kala malu-malu memberikan kerlingan manja. Boleh jadi pada bibirnya yang tak jemu-jemu menyerlahkan senyuman manis, atau yang sekali-sekala memberikan kucupan mesra di dahi umi juga, ayah, suami dan pipi munggil anak-anak. Atau mungkin juga pada hilai tawanya yang gemersik dan suara manjanya yang boleh melembut sekaligus melembutkan perasaan.

Sejuta perkataan belum cukup untuk menceritakan kecantikan perempuan. Sejuta malah berjuta-juta kali ganda perkataan pun masih belum cukup untuk mendefinisikan tentang keindahan perempuan. Kitalah perempuan itu. Panjatkan kesyukuran kehadrat Tuhan kerana menjadikan kita perempuan dan memberikan keindahan-keindahan itu. Namun, betapa pun dijaga, dipelihara, dibelai dan ditatap di hadapan cermin saban waktu, tiba masanya segalanya akan pergi jua. Wajah akan suram, mata akan kelam. Satu sahaja yang tidak akan dimamah usia, sifat keperempuanan yang dipupuk dengan iman dan ibadah.

Anda ingin lebih cantik dan menarik??

# Jadikanlah Ghadhdul Bashar (menundukkan pandangan) sebagai "hiasan mata" anda, nescaya akan semakin bening dan jernih.

# Oleskan "lipstik kejujuran" pada bibir anda, nescaya akan semakin manis.

# Gunakanlah "pemerah pipi" anda dengan kosmetik yang terbuat dari rasa malu yang dibuat dari salon Iman.

# Pakailah "sabun Istighfar" yang menghilangkan semua dosa dan kesalahan yang anda lakukan.

# Rawatlah rambut anda dengan "Selendang Islami" yang akan menghilangkan kelemumur pandangan lelaki yang merbahayakan.

# Hiasilah kedua tangan anda dengan gelang Tawadhu' dan jari-jari anda dengan cincin Ukhuwwah.

# Sebaik-baiknya kalung anda adalah kalung "kesucian".

# Bedaklah wajah anda dengan "air Wudhu" nescaya akan bercahaya di akhirat.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

bad mood ari ni wei....

x tau la nape ari ni ak bad mood je ahh....pagi2 lagi dah bad mood,dtang bulan kot..hahahaha....hem,mybe ade sebab lain kot...tpi ari ni pon ari bahagia gak wat aku
sebabnyer ade seorang kwan ak yg marah giler ari 2 kat ak.....akhirnye dye brcakap gak ari ni
hehehe..alhamdulillah...biase la kan lidah lagi tergigit inikan pula  kawan2..
Walau bagaimanapun hubungan kitaorang x kan pernah terputus i2 janji ak....ak pon sedar sapa diri ak ni,bkan smua orang suka kat kite,ade gak yg x suke kite i2 semua lumrah dunia..yg penting jika kte nak orang suke kite..kite mesti suka diorang dulu..dan jika kita mahu org hormat kat kite,kite mesti hormat kat org dulu ok...mungkin stakat ni dulu kot..ak chow dlu assalamualaikum,,,,

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Alhamdulilllah...Yahooooo....akhirnya doa ak termakbul jua utk mndapatkan seorang adik perempuan..tetapi malangnye ak x ade ketika adik ak dlahirkan..huhuhu..ttpi xpe2 nnti cuti ni ak dapat jmpa gak...tpi sebulan ag r..mak aihh lmbatnyer..
 Tpi yg penting skali kedua-duanye selamat,2 pon dh membahagiakan ak..ak rasa ayah ak la orang yg paling bahagia skali..byangkan la,dh 11 tahun penantian utk mndapatkan adik perempuan akhirnya tercapai jgak...ak skang dah mmpunyai 5 org adik-bradik termasuk ak,nnti ni bleh r ak bermain2 ngan adik prmpuan ak..biasenye main ngan sepupu ak jew...
 Last skali,sapa2 yg nk jdi volunteer utk mncadangkan nama utk adik ak sila tlis d ruangan komen eh...(yg penting mestila mmpunyai nama 'wan' di hadapan):p
inilah puteri bongsu keluarga ku..dye sdang tidur skang ni....hehe

Hari ni hari yg x de lecturer....

yeyy..ari ni x de lecture nga tutorial..gembira ade,sdih pon ade...huhu..
sebab gembiranye ari ni x de kelas,tpi nanti ni kena ganti la...ahhh,lantak r....
janji ari ni x de kelas...hooray...

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Once upon a time..hehe..just kidding..on 23rd nov 2010..i have attended my first class for bel 260..for me the class so happy and also stress...why stress??let me tell all about..before that..I want to introduce my lecturer for this class..her name is miss MARFARHANATUL AKMAL BINTI AHMAD KAMAL and I prefer 2 call her miss hana,her age I don't know..but I think maybe around 20 or 21..for me she so cute and happy to learn with her.

For the first session miss hana ask us to introduce ourselves,nickname and what ice-cream flavour you want to be..after introduce ourselves,miss hana held a game that call 'BATTLESHIP'...this game is for us to be more alert and practise our listening for muet test and the most important is this game was fun and can bond us together.

Firstly,we have been divide into 5 people in each group after that we have to think one name to naming our group..try guess what my group name? group name is JAMES BOND 007 limited edition..hahaha..our group is the famous group like famous amos ,the rules of this game is must have captain and shooter..the function of captain is to be the first person that give answer,the answer based on the categories that given by miss hana and the function of shooter is the last person that give the answer and shout the other group's name to continued the game this game also have 'PUNISHMENT',who's say the repeat  answer will get the punishment this part that I feel so stress and angry at one person..A#R#M S*IT YOU and I was the unlucky person in the class that time...why I say that?..that because I the person that keep be call front in my class to get the punishment...grrrrr...

But I so happy that day because I laugh,play,co-operate with my new classmate....
Finally,the game was finished and I was naming by our friend as the famous person in the class because I am not alert person and keep always got punishment...arghhhhh....
